About Us


Why is there a need for an organization such as REACH THE HEARTS? The answer is simple. NEED IS ALL AROUND US. While these experiences may evoke compassion in you and inspire you to help, how many times have you told yourself that you were going to do something, but then got caught up in the everyday routine of your own life? Not only that, but how many times have you decided to donate time, money, or both, but feared that your resources were not going to be efficiently utilized? Our goal is to remove these obstacles. We want to make helping as rewarding and as easy as possible.

                                    "We want to help the people that are making a difference in the world"

Reach the Heart's  Vision is of a world that is human-centered and genuinely democratic. In our Vision, we are one human family in all our diversity, living on one common ground  and sharing a kind, sustainable and peaceful world, guided by universal principles of democracy, equality, inclusion, voluntarism, non-discrimination and participation of all people, men and women, young and old, regardless of race, faith, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity or nationality. It is a world where peace and human security, replace arms and ammunitions, violence, conflicts and wars. It is a world where everyone lives in a clean environment with a fair distribution of earth’s resources.
 Goal 1:  Eradicate Extreme Hunger and Poverty.
 Goal 2:  Achieve Universal Primary Education and Empowerment of Children.
 Goal 3:  Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women.
 Goal 4:  Access to Good Health /Combat Illness and  Diseases.
 Goal 5:  Help the Aged & Emotional & Social Security to the Needy,Abandoned  and Abused.


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